Aptech Pitampura Delhi Courses

Android Course Fee and Duration

Track Regular Track Weekend Track Fast Track
Course Duration 45 - 60 Days 8 Weekends 5 Days
Hours 2 hours a day 3 hours a day 6+ hours a day
Training Mode Live Classroom Live Classroom Live Classroom

This is an approximate course fee and duration for Android. Please contact our team for current Android course fee and duration.

Join Best Android Training in Pitampura Delhi, Android Course in Pitampura Delhi, Android Institute in Pitampura Delhi

Join Best Android Training in Pitampura Delhi, Android Course in Pitampura Delhi, Android Institute in Pitampura Delhi 4.90 out of 5 based on 9599 ratings. 5 Student Rating.

Aptech Pitampura Delhi - the premier Android training institute in Pitampura Delhi provides job-oriented practical based Android Training in Pitampura Delhi that enables the students to acquire professional skills so as to meet up the industry requisites. Aptech Pitampura Delhi module for Android course in Pitampura Delhi has been structured keeping in view the latest advancements that have taken place and is also based upon the industry recommendations. The Android training in Pitampura Delhi incorporates both the theory as well as practical classes on live projects. This further provides hands on experience to the learners as they are given a chance to work on live Android based projects. Let us first know about what is Android, the uses, career scope, pre-requisites for taking Android training and more.

What is Android?

Android is primarily a mobile operating system that powers up billions of mobile devices and has been developed by Google. Android is based upon Linux Kernel with the user interface fundamentally designed for all the touch screen devices.

Android is referred to the collection of software that not only consists of the operating system but also the middleware as well as the important software applications. There exists an Android market in the form of an online store that comprises of lakhs of android applications with billions of downloads.

Android shows its reliability on Linux version 2.6 for the core system services like: process management and security management. But it provides SDK i.e. Software Development Kit for developing software.

The noted features of Android are as follows:

  • All the applications are created equally.
  • Easy and fast Application development.
  • Android is an “Open Source” model that makes it unique.

If you are looking forward to give yourself a career boost in Android technology, then register yourself with APTECH Pitampura Delhi- the best Android training institute in Pitampura Delhi, as it gives industry recognized and widely accepted certification after the successful completion of Android course in Pitampura Delhi.

Why do we use Android?

Android being the most popular operating system that empowers around millions of mobile devices all around the world is of utmost importance in the world of computing. Android operating system incorporated with features of being open source allows the android developers to make whatever they want, be it the app of games, books, music, movies etc. Professional android training is not only an addition to the enhancement of your personal and professional skills but also an addition to your financial gains as android that empowers billions of mobile devices around the world has acquired a vast market thus creating wide employment opportunities with attractive packages.

Mobile development and programming being the most demanding profession in the present era makes android training of core importance and thus professional training with practical experience for the same is necessary. In order to meet this large-scale demand of Android developers Aptech Pitampura Delhi offers a certified Android course in Pitampura Delhi for all the aspiring individuals. The course aims at transforming the aspirants into trained and skilled android professionals. We here at Aptech Pitampura Delhi an android training institute in Pitampura Delhi, provide the students with in depth perspective of android development, which helps them, clear their fundamentals of mobile development and programming along with the assistance of practical knowledge from highly efficient industry experienced trainers.

Career Scope after Android Training in Pitampura Delhi at Aptech Pitampura Delhi:

The professionals either of Android platform are benefitted in a way that no other career offers. The flexibility of working schedule, that is they can work anytime and anywhere. Below listed are some of the career benefits from android training:

  • The individuals can choose to work as freelancers since most of the small businesses require app developers for shorter duration. Working freelance will gives enough time to be more creative.
  • You can earn lucrative income even with part-time work.
  • Learning Android Programming is quiet easy and developing an app is cost effective.
  • Learning Android Programming is quiet easy and developing an app is cost effective.
  • Any individual who thinks out of the box will be able to use Android technology extraordinarily.

Job roles or profiles that are required in today’s market are as follows:

Mobile App Developer, Android Engineer, Mobile Architect, Mobile Embedded Software Engineer, Mobile Lead Software Engineer, Android Developer, Android Engineer, Mobile Developer

Android Training in Pitampura Delhi at Aptech Pitampura Delhi:

APTECH Pitampura Delhi is the most renowned Android Training institute in Pitampura Delhi that offers practical based Android training for the trainees to inherit the professional working skills by performing hands on exercises on live Android Projects. At APTECH Pitampura Delhi, Android training in Pitampura Delhi is conducted by industry professionals as trainers who have several years of experience in the field of Android. APTECH Pitampura Delhi constitutes of the most advantageous training module for Android Course in Pitampura Delhi that has been customized by keeping in consideration the course content requirement for each attendee in addition to the industry recommendations and the recent developments witnessed in the field.

Course Content and Syllabus for Android Training in Pitampura Delhi

Introduction to Android

  • The Android family
  • Overview of Android and Android SDK
  • History of Android
  • Android features

Android Architecture overview

  • Introduction to OS layers
  • Linux kernel
  • Libraries
  • Android Runtime
  • Application framework

Setup of Android Development environment

  • System requirements
  • Eclipse and SDK installation, AVD creation
  • Creating first Android application
  • Project Structure

Android Application Fundamentals

  • Android application building blocks
  • Activating components
  • Shutting down components
  • Life Cycle of Application
  • Development tools, Manifest File
  • Life Cycle of Activity

User Interface

  • View Hierarchy and Layouts
  • UI Events
  • Building Menus
  • Notifying users
  • Creating dialogs
  • Graphics & Animations

Main Building Blocks

  • Activity
  • Services
  • Content Providers
  • Broadcast Receivers


  • Overview of Android Resources
  • Creating Resources
  • Using Resources
  • Drawable Resources
  • Animation Resources

Data Storage

  • Shared Preferences
  • Internal Storage (Files)
  • External Storage(SD Card)
  • SQLite Databases

Android Media API

  • Playing audio/video
  • Media recording
  • Blue tooth
  • WiFi
  • Camera
  • TelephonyManager
  • Location Services
  • Google Maps
  • Deploying Android Application on Device


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